Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've decided that I'm terrible at taking pictures and this photo is doing nothing for such an outstanding creature as this four legged frankensock.

Truly a pain in the arse to make, it is worth the drops of blood I shed everytime I sew on another leg.

This is "the Stu." Named after my friend st2 who is an artisit in his own right. But I digress. This Stu is a professional floor polisher and works at the local hotspot "Club Foot." Hangs out at the club after work and watches fellow frankensocks literally trip the light fantastic.


  1. 0mg i fall in love with everyone of ur Frankensocks, Stu is a freakin' dorable, loooooove this minimunchkin

  2. Hi, are you the same Frankensock that sold at the Issaquah farmer's market on Saturdays? I bought one from you for my son that broke his arm skateboarding (you even knitted him a little cast). It's great! He's still a valued member of our family (geez, almost two years later) and my son had the metal rods removed from his arm last January, so he's all healed up.

    I am hoping you'll come back to the farmer's market this year - we miss you! Also, I have a friend/co-worker who is suffering from breast cancer and would like to get her a special Frankensock while she is recovering - any ideas?


